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Rich in fibers and flavonoids, grenade acts against flatulence, difficult digestions, diarrhea and bloating thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial action.

When to eat ?

When to eat ?

High season Beginning or End of Season Not the season

Recipe Suggestion

Values per 100 grams

74 Cal
0 G
0 Mg
0 Mg
262 Mg
16 G
259 G
13 G
Vitamin B
0 Mg
Vitamin C
11 Mg
0 Mg
7 Mg
Food fibers
4 G
4 Mg


How to choose a grenade ?
To choose a grenade, check its color which must be dark red. Also take into account its weight. The heavier the fruit, the more juicy its grains.
How to keep grenade seeds ?
To keep pomegranate seeds, you can dry them before storing them in an airtight or freezing.
How to keep the granada apple seeds ?
Dislined with their shell, the pomegranate apple seeds degrade easily. To keep them, dry them before storing them in an airtight box or freezes them.
How to keep the grenade grains ?
To keep the seeds of large, place them on a plate and place it in the freezer. Once the grains are frozen, place them in a freezing bag and place in the freezer.
How to grow grenade seeds ?
To grow pomegranate seeds, clean them to remove the hinge surrounding them. Plant the seeds in a drained soil and in a 1.5 cm deep hole. It is also possible to germinate the seeds in a moistened and folded coffee filter, to be placed in a rashed plastic bag. The seeds can then be put in a pot.
How we open a grenade ?
- Start by washing the pomegranate in cold water and dry it thoroughly. - Hold the pomegranate in your hand and find the end where the stem is attached. This end will be slightly pointed and is generally found at one of the pieces of the grenade. - Use a sharp knife to cut the pomegranate in half lengthwise. Be sure to cut to the center of the pomegranate, but without going too deep so as not to damage the seeds. - Display the two halves from the pomegranate and remove the seeds using your fingers or a spoon.
How to know if a grenade is good ?
- You can check the appearance of the pomegranate. It must be firm and have a beautiful dark red color. If the pomegranate is soft or if there are brown spots on its skin, it means that it is no longer fresh and has lost its quality. - You can also feel the grenade. It must have a fresh and fruity smell. If pomegranate has a strong or unpleasant odor, it means that it is no longer fresh. - You can cut the pomegranate and check the quality of its seeds. They must be tender and juicy. If the seeds are dry or if they have a hard texture, it means that the grenade is no longer fresh.
How to make grenade juice ?
To make pomegranate juice, pass your grains to the juice extractor, centrifuge or blender. It is also possible to squeeze the fruit that is not exhausted and cut in half in the juicer.
What are the benefits of pomegranate juice ?
Weakening carcinogenic cells, pomegranate juice is also depurative. This drink also has anti -stress, cardioprotective, neuroprotective and antiviral properties.

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